LifeTracker - Start Guide

LifeTracker is a full-fledged data tracker that is packed with LifeJournal. You can use it as an advanced habit tracker, but also as an advanced list manager for all sorts of lists and collections.

How to access LifeTracker ?

To access LifeTracker, you need to load a database in LifeJournal. Then in the main panel, select "Life Tracker".

Tips : you can make LifeJournal automatically open LifeTracker at the start, by checking the correspoding option in Settings -> Journals.

Categories and fields

LifeJournal is organized by categories first, and then by fields. Fields are the equivalent of Excel columns/fields, while categories are groups of fields.

When you start with LifeTracker, you must create at least one category.

There are two types of categories, depending on the structure of data that you want to track :

"Calendar" categories

If you want to track data in a calendar / temporal way (think habit tracker), then when you create a category, select "Calendar / Days" in the field "Data structure". Some examples :

Calendar categories are not things that you directly track, they are groups (or containers) for organizing things that you will track, which are called "fields" in LifeTracker. For example in the "Exercice" category you can track the muscles groups that you worked out. In the supplements category you can track each individual supplement that you took. Each muscle group and each supplement will have its own "field".

So when you have created your first category, it is empty, and you need to create at least one field in this category.

To add a field to track, open the category (by cliking on its name), then click "Add field". Again, for "calendar" categories, fields are the actual specific things that you want to track in your life. For example, a specific supplement (if you are within your "Supplements" category in the app).

"Abstract list" categories

If you want to track an abstract list, then when you create a category, select "Abstract list" in the field "Data structure". Each entry of an abstract list can have one ore multiple fields. Some examples of abstract lists :

For "abstract list" categories, fields correspond to the various fields of each entry of your list. For example if you want to track the list of books that you have actually read you might consider having these fields : "Book" (for the actual book title), "Start date, "End date" (respectively the date of the day you started/finished the book), "Rating".


When creating fields, you are required to select a data type : numeric, checkbox, date, timer, ...

The data type of a field will constrain the data you can input for this field, and will also make it easier to input the values you want to input.

Calendar categories

After you have created your first field in a calendar category, the corresponding cells will appear, just like in "Excel". To register new data, just click on the cell corresponding to the date -> field you want to register

Depending on the data type you chose for the field, the input method will vary. If you choose "Free", then you can either enter a custom value, use the "scale" for numerical shortcuts (ideal for ratings), or start a timer (using the "Timer" button).

"Abstract list" categories

After you have created your first field in an abstract list, you need to click on "Add row" to add your first entry to your list. Then you can edit existing entries by clicking on the cells, just like in calendar categories.

If you want to expand the fields of your list, just create an additional field with the "Add field" button in the bottom bar.

When you start with LifeTracker, you must create at least one category, such as "Work" or "Exercice" or "Distractions" or "Supplements". Categories are not things that you directly track, they are groups (or containers) for organizing things that you will track.

Once you have created your first category, it will appear on the interface. Just click on it to open it.

Now you are inside the category, but it is empty. To add an item to track, click "Add Item" in the bottom bar (the button appears only when you are within a category). For "calendar" categories, items are the actual specific things that you want to track in your life. For example, a specific supplement (if you are within your "Supplements" category in the app).

For "abstract" categories, items are the various fields of each entry of your list. For example if you want to track the list of books that you have actually read you might consider having these items : "Book" (for the actual book title), "Start date, "End date" (respectively the date of the day you started/finished the book), "Rating".